"Our Doors Swing On Welcome Hinges"
5415 Warmspring Rd. Saint Thomas, Pa 17252
(717) 369-2062
Service Times:
Sun. 10 a.m. & Wed. 7 p.m.
Associate Pastor
Matthew Gordon
Pastor Matt Gordon has been the Associate Pastor at Mt. Calvary Tabernacle since March 2015. He has been a member of Mt. Calvary Tabernacle since 2000, has preached the word of God since 2002, and has taught the teens Sunday School class since 2001. Pastor Matt was a board member of Mt. Calvary International Ministerial Fellowship (MCIMF) for 7 years from 2003-2010. MCIMF was an international fellowship comprised of 500 ministers from 7 nations of West Africa. Matt is married to Misty and they have to two daughters, Hannah and Brielle. Matt has a passionate heart to see lost souls saved.